
Friday, October 31, 2008

What About Her? The Flaw with "Game" Exposed

Approach your target within three seconds of making eye contact with her. Get her number within five minutes of talking with her and then leave. Wait five days before calling her. Weve all read these purported general guaranteed approaches to meeting women reiterated tirelessly numerous articles and books by pick up artists, alpha males, and other dating experts. Rubbish. Quick questionwhat about her?

The general problem with both the alpha male and pua philosophy is that there is little focus, if any, on the woman. The techniques are far more concerned with dominance, being cool, meeting lots of women, and racing against some imagined clock. I am pleased to see the communities and to see them growing because theyve created open dialogue among guys about women and sex, which are topics guys dont explore outside of a quickly commented, Shes hot, I need to meet her, or I still gotta give that girl from last week a call, or a similar blurb. While the pua and alpha male societies tend to get a bad rap from women and society, they are actually good guys. Most of them arent looking to get laid or abuse women; theyre simply looking to develop socializing skills with women and date. Perhaps the biggest reason people frown upon them is because they have created terminology which sounds cold and degrading; in order to better teach guys, and communicate amongst themselves more effectively and efficiently. Outsiders erroneously interpret their language as meant to degrade or trivialize women. Examples include terms like negging, skills set, and numbering women on a scale from one to ten. Its easy to see how an outsider could quickly perceive these terms as negative. The overall terminology and approach are described as game.

Therein lies the most glaring problem with the preached approachthe focus has become on the game, forgetting about the women. Participants focus on developing an arsenal of opening lines, rehearsed moves, and counter-responses to expressed disinterest by the target (woman). The point of game should be to develop confidence, people skills, and sense of humor, all leading to improvisationbeing able to handle interacting with women in any situation. Once that is achieved, the game should be cast aside, no longer needed. I always like to use my own personal experience to illustrate.

In my late teens, I often found myself unable to speak more than a few words to women at bars or clubs, even though I wanted badly to meet many of them. I pretty much got in a quick hello and smile, asked a question or two, followed that up with awkward silence, then said, Well, it was nice meeting you. I then returned to a corner of the bar and people-watched. If I really liked a girl, I would approach her again with another couple questions. Once answered, I returned to my corner and thought up some more questions. I then returned and asked her those questions. It was a sad, totally ineffective approach; in fact, it couldnt be called an approach. I needed something to say after hi; something that was interactive and engaging.

One day I worked with a comedian who performed a riddle on me while we were at a bar. I quickly began to use what I now term the 2 to 9-bit. I would introduce myself to a woman after a quick hello and then implement the riddle. It went something like this (follow along by choosing a number and following the instructions, too; at the end of the article I explain how it works):

I bet I can guess what youre thinking.

Oh really?

Yeah. Choose a number from two to nine but dont tell me the number . . . Got it?


Multiply the number by nine. You now have a two digit number, right?


Add the two digits together.


You have a one digit number again, right?


Subtract five.


Take that number and make it equal to a letter in the alphabet. For example, one would be A, two would be B, and so forth.

Okay, got it.

Think of a country beginning with that letter.


Take the last letter of that country and think of an animal beginning with that letter.

All right.

Now take the last letter of that animal and think of a color that starts with it.

Okay, this is kind of getting long

I have no idea what your number was but why are you thinking of an orange kangaroo from Denmark?

Oh my God! How did you do that?

The woman would usually touch or punch me while expressing her disbelief, putting me more at ease. I would play it off that I was just talented and touch her back. Wed discuss the riddle for a moment, occasionally Id give it away or tell her that if she was good to me, Id tell her how I did it. That move quickly developed my flirting skills, as most women replied, And what do you mean by good to you?

Oh, Im sure we can think of something.

Uh huh. I bet you are already thinking of something.

I got bolder and bolder, which led to more and more flirting. I am actually more wondering than thinking.

What are you wondering?

What color your panties are.

It was surprising how women reacted to such a statement. Some laughed, some told me if I was nice to them maybe Id get to find out, and some even showed me on the spot. My favorite times were when women replied, What makes you think Im wearing panties? I quickly learned that women liked flirty banter and became a master at it.

After several months and using 2 to 9 to meet many women, I found myself phasing it out. I became more and more at ease with discussing whatever was on handimprovisingno longer needing a trick or opener. Soon 2 to 9 was gone, replaced by what I term the common denominator, named only to explain it better so that other guys can use it. The common denominator is the thing or things you and the woman have in common; it could be having seen the same guy trip in a bar, ordering the same drink, standing next to each other in line, whatever. As I used the common denominator more and more, I paid more attention to my surroundings and what the women said and did, as opposed to having an arsenal of ready-to-use responses. I truly learned to interact with women and dropped all game; I was able to see things from their perspective and develop sensitivity. I was no longer, as women call it, clueless. The point is, game should lead to no game; it should lead to a true change in personality.

If you want to date a woman, who have to develop sensitivity and think about her; you must be able to see things from her perspective and get inside her head. Women do not tell guys what is bothering them or communicate well, despite generalizations to the contrary. Dont believe me? Ask any married man and hell set you straight before your next blink. Again, that is where game is lacking; there is no true account for the womans feelings and thoughts, outside what might get you laid. Game does not account for womens feelings and thoughts, not really, which is perhaps the biggest reason why non-participants scorn it.

A quick visit to message boards will find many discussions about women in which guys exchange numerous ideas about how to get those theyve met, or had some success with, to date them. Like I said, most of these guys are good guys just trying to date a woman they like and theyve turned to game; unfortunately, many get stuck in the game and dont get past it. I was shocked to see on Neil Strauss site, renowned pua and author of The Game, that he still uses and is developing lines. Huh? He should have discarded game long ago. Other practitioners of game (puas, average guys, alpha males) Ive talked with have moved past it, grateful that it served its intended purpose.

Why cant many guys get past game? They rely on it too much, instead of taking risks by improvising. It was only through discarding game that I came to truly realize why game works . . . and why it doesnt work all the time, which is a lot with practices such as approaching a woman within three seconds of making eye contact or focusing on getting her number within five minutes. (A lot of phone calls to those women dont get answered or returned, so what purpose was really served? Certainly not getting a date.) Also, just like most chick lit., there is an underlying bitterness toward women for many of these guys. I went through the same feelings. I was bitter toward women for my lack of success, blaming them. If I didnt have good social skills, why should I expect them to have those skills? If I didnt know how to gage and create interest, why should I expect them to see my interest, or simply have interest for me just because I came over and said hello? I couldnt; it was unfair and only getting in my own way. Again, I realized this only as I started to discard 2 to 9.

As an example, consider an entry on a message board in which a guy fooled around with a friend hes liked for years. She and he got drunk and he got her top off in a park, where they rolled around and made out. He called her the next day, excited about what he expects to be a new relationship. He has not heard from her at all since that day, going on one month now. (I could have used any number of entries like this one as an example.) Dozens of guys have responded to his thread. Some have called her a heartless bitch, others not worth your time or a tease. Many have given advice on how he can get her back by using some game techniques; he has replied that none of them have worked. What gives? Not one guy replied, What about her?

What about her? Could it be that shes embarrassed? Fears she may have screwed up a friendship? Feels slutty? Thinks she made a mistake and doesnt want to mislead him? Is afraid hell want to just have sex if they get together again? To his one frustration and confusion, shes going through dozens of thoughts and feelings. Its probably too late now, but had he just taken a little time to consider her perspective, he would have anticipated her inevitable emotional reaction. He would have been able to address the issue right away, even on the spot with a simple, Im glad this happened but Id like to slow it down. Can we just get together and talk in a few days? I dont want to lose our friendship but I like being close to you, too. Its kind of weird, you know?

Wow! Shes thinking the same thing and now feels a greater bond and connection to him. She didnt make a mistake; she can see that they are in the same place or at least having the same confused emotions and thoughts. He actually has the stated concerns but guys tend not to realize such things until its too late. Were not good at analyzing our feelings and dont do it; women do and to truly be successful with them, guys need to relate to that trait, even without having it ourselves. Again, I speak from direct experience.

When I was going through my severe jerk stage (I tell this story fully in my book God is a Woman: Dating Disasters), I hooked up with a woman who I had spoken to all of fifteen minutes and once on the phone. I met her while she was part of a bachelorette party entourage. It turned out she lived en route to a gig I would be driving to in a few weeks. I pushed hard, even though she herself was engaged. While she declined to give me her number, she did track me down the week before my drive past her town; she had dumped her fianc and moved in with her older brother. To make a long story short, she ended up naked under me on one side of a blanket hanging from the ceiling in a studio apartment; on the other side of the blanket laid her brother. We called it before technically having sex but as you can imagine, everything else happened.

It took me two days to realize why she wasnt returning my calls. It finally occurred to me that she was completely humiliated, embarrassed, was probably walking around avoiding her brother as much as possibleif she was even speaking to himand so forth. Dah! I left her a message that I wanted to talk, that I didnt want to leave the message on her and her brothers answering machine, but I would if I had no other way to reach her. That got her to call me back and we discussed the situation. It wasnt that I was insensitive or clueless; it was that I am a guy and guys dont operate the same way as women. A guys mind and his emotions line up; if they dont, he doesnt act. We dont sit there thinking, Okay, I have all these feelings and impulses that feel great; I cant act on them, though, because the situation is wrong. My mind is telling me not do it. No. Our minds tell us Great, it feels good, shes into it, experience each other. Guys dont do things we dont want to do; period. Women do and then later will blame the guy. Theres no use being upset about it as a guy, its simply the way it works. In her mind, she was thinking I shouldnt be doing this, I shouldnt be doing this but her emotions were saying I want him so badly and this feels so good. We ironed it all out but only because I became sensitive to what about her? that day.

I break all the rules of game when it comes to meeting women because I no longer need them. Consider the woman I just started to see. I met her on a pub crawl on a Friday night. I caught her eye a few times as she sat at a table with her friends, comprised of both men and women. They all laughed boisterously every few minutes. She wasnt sitting on the end, so she wasnt accessible. I shrugged it off and went about my business. Later the seat near her opened up and I went and sat down, commenting that it was obvious they were having the most fun of anyone in the bar and hence, I wanted to be with them. I didnt ask for her number until we hit the last bar. In fact, I didnt ask for her number at all; instead, I asked her out for the next night after learning she didnt have plans. (This is supposedly desperate and makes me look socially non-busy; Im supposed to appear very busy.) She gave me a maybe. We did not go out the next night but we did go out Sunday night.
I broke every rule and yet it has worked out well. Why? Because those rules werent the right fit for her. They are not the right fit for anyone, really; they are just tools to be used to develop skills to get comfortable with women. Once you get experience and are comfortable, the techniques and lines should be phased out. Eventually, you will find that you are a new person. I am not the Ian Coburn who couldnt talk to women armed with skills now; rather, I am a completely different person. Thats the real goal; to change your personality to an effective one, not to rely on rules and lines the rest of your life. Too many guys following game out there arent new people; theyre the same people with the same awkwardness and thoughts about women, only they are now armed with tools that, while helpful at first, are now in their way.

Work your game. Get comfortable. Add making a point of trying to see things from the womans perspective, anticipating her concerns, and evaluating things from her point of view when things arent going the way you expected. Lose any bitterness; the only person responsible for your happiness is yourself. It is no one elses fault that you struggle in the dating world. Soon you will be a new man; one who women respect and like and wont label as being a player or pua, or not want to date. The ultimate goal is to get comfortable with women not your game.

How 2 to 9 works: Every number between two to nine multiplied by nine results in a two-digit number thats digits add up to nine. Subtract five and you end up with four, meaning D is always the letter; orange kangaroo from Denmark is almost always what people choose. I got so good at 2 to 9 that I could even call it when someone was thinking of a tan cat from the Dominican Republic. Once a woman did snub me by choosing teal (what the hell is teal?); shes still in the trunk of my car . . . remember, lose your bitterness . . . Get comfortable with women not your game.

Comedian Ian Coburn is the author of God is a Woman: Dating Disasters, which offers fresh, original dating and sex advice to both men and women via stories of his hilarious failures as a touring comedian and what he learned from those stories. The book spawned his dating advice column--"Lunch is Not a Date" and earned him a new gig as a relationship expert on Lifetime. You may visit the following for more information, including excerpts from the book and his column: www.godisawoman.netwww.godisawoman.net

God is a Woman: Dating Disasters is available wherever books are sold.


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