
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Some Ebooks May Be Better As Published Books

Most people believe that eBooks are not as good as real books at the book stores. Where this may be true 80% of the time because only 1:60 books get published and there is a lot of competition at the publisher gate; you must remember that publishers only want to publish books that will sell, have a specific audience in a specific high-profitable category.

However, if you are a niche writer in a tiny category, there might be NO books in that category available at the book stores. For instance, I wrote a book on "HoverBoards" or Skateboards of the Future. Now obviously there are no established buyers for technical books on skateboard designs for the future. Futurists write about other types of technology and most of these books do not the cheapest car insurance very well. Some do, but usually not those that are trapped within a small niche.

Now obviously no publisher is going to take a risk hoping such a book like that is going to sell, would you? No, I wouldn't either, and I cannot blame them one bit. Still, as a writer, I wanted to write the book and figured there might be a couple 1,000 people in the nation that might be interested. Turns out, I was right and it has sufficient downloads, but not enough to sell at a major bookstore chain.

So, let's say that someone writes an excellent book on a specific niche topic? Well, if the author is unknown and the market for that book is small, then no publisher will touch it with a ten-foot pole. Thus, if the author wants to get the message out there, they will have to do an eBook. That ebook is an ebook, not because the book is not good, rather because it is not sellable to a mass market.

Therefore, I'd like to get you to consider this issue, if you think that eBooks cannot stack up to those books you find in the major bookstores. Please consider this.

Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/.


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