To De-claw Or Not to De-claw?
If you have a cat, odds are that he or she might be tearing up your furniture with their claws. When a cat web hosting aspnet they are actually doing a few different things. A cat can leaves its scent and mark its territory with the pads of its feet. In many cases, this is what your cat is doing. Another common reason many cats claw furniture is the need to stretch. Similar to the way we stretch in the morning, from our toes all the way to our finger tips.
If you are considering de-clawing your cat, this article should prove to be very useful for you. Cats claws are similar to fingernails of humans. With that in mind, would you have your child's fingernails taken out if he or she scratched something? Obviously not, that would be inhumane and painful.
De-clawing a cat is when a veterinarian removes the front claws of the cat during a surgical procedure. This is not a procedure that is needed, more of a procedure that many owners have done as an alternative to training a cat where it is acceptable to scratch. This is an extremely painful surgery.
It can take several weeks for the cat to heal physically from this procedure. The cat will more than likely continue to be in pain for a minimum a couple of weeks. Something as simple as walking can be very traumatizing and incomparably painful for the cat.
There are long term problems that stem from having a cat de-clawed. It is very possible and likely that the cat is going to have an abscess and claws can begin to grow back. Recent studies have revealed out of the cats that have been de-clawed, 25% of them have had negative short and long term effects.
Many cats begin to suffer from stiff joints. This is because the cats claws can not extend and retract as a form of exercise. The tendons can no longer function properly, causing more unnecessary pain for your fluffy friend. Most cats will continue to try and scratch after they have been de-clawed, however this is an attempt to lubricate the painful joints once again.
Cats use their claws as a means of defending themselves. If you take away their defense, what do they have left? Yes, they will then turn into a biter. When the cat feels that harm is eminent, he or she might bite in order to remain safe. Even the friendliest cat can resort to biting. Many cats go through many mood changes, especially when they have to deal with the pain after having their claws taken out.
In the event a de-clawed cat finds its way out of the house and is left to fend for itself, even for a night, could lead to a tragedy. Because the cat can no longer defend itself against other animals, it can fall victim and become food. If you are forced to give your cat to a shelter for one reason or another, if it is de-clawed it is very likely that he or she will not be adopted out. More than likely, your loved animal will be put to sleep.
Jasmine Tupniak
For more information on kitten and cat care, visit">My Kitty Care Site