How to Create an Intelligent Landing Page That Produces Results
Do you have an intelligent landing page? Does it grab a visitor and compel them to become a paying customer? If the visitors are landing on your site are not converting as well as you think it should then read one and we will learn the keys to a highly successful squeeze page auto insurance estimates produces results.
The first thing Maryland Lemon Laws you need to understand as an internet marketer is that testing is going to be an on going process and is something that you must do in order to produce high conversion rates. Continuous and dynamic testing is imperative to convert visitors into customers. If you never rest in your testing efforts you sales copy will enjoy a higher conversion rate that copy that is stale, stagnant, and never changing.
Your sales copy is going to be the he first thing that is viewed and must captivate your audience. The importance of a landing or squeeze page is really twofold. Search engines such as Google rank your site based on how relevant it is to the search conducted by users. High quality sales copy that is relevant to the keywords will receive a higher rank. A well thought out page that is highly optimized through testing will enjoy a much higher conversion rate.
To convert your dumb as a rock copy into a profit producing intelligent landing page we need to look at a six areas in particular.
1. Navigation
The sole purpose of your copy is to convert visitors into paying customers. That is it, nada, nothing else. If you are using it for anything besides conversion then you are missing the point.
A truly intelligent landing page offers your visitor two choices. They may either purchase the product or leave. That is it. Do not give visitors a third choice because they will take it rather than click your purchase button.
In essence keep your copy and the landing site completely clear of any links other than your purchase button.
2. Logo
Branding is a very important part of your business. You want people to become accustomed to your brand. A logo is a big part of your branding endeavors and should be part of your high conversion sales letter. Actually your logo should appear on every page on your website.
3. Graphics
Graphics can make or break a site, especially an intelligent landing page. Too many graphics will slow down the load time and thus impact your bottom line. If your site loads too slowly visitors will hit the back button in a hurry. So keep graphics to a minimum for smoother and faster loading speeds.
4. Content
An intelligent landing page uses content to convince a visitor to become a customer. Keep it simple yet give your visitor valid reasons that they should purchase your products.
5. Bullet Points
Studies have shown that most readers like bullet points. A site with a high IQ uses bullet points to make finding information very easy for the visitor.
If you have a large amount of information for your visitor you should avoid one huge bullet point list. Break that huge list into a number of smaller lists. Try to keep the number of points at 5 or 6.
6. Benefits vs. Features
An intelligent landing page will list the benefits of the product or service first. The vast majority of customers want to know what a product can do for them first and foremost. Features come in a distant second.
If your squeeze page is not generating the conversions that it should then perhaps you should give it an IQ boost and transform it into a landing page that produces both better results and more profit.
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