
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Video Obama Victory Speech is Now Here

Okay everyone, we've been waiting for this Video Obama Victory Speech for the last 8 hours. Yes, it only took 8 hours for someone to upload this video to youtube. The first part of this video talked about how they got to where they were despite all the cynical views. Barack Obama also reemphasized that change in America is in the works.

In the Video Obama Victory Speech he next mentioned that the time has come for the lobbyists who think their money and influence speak louder than our voices are wrong. And the time has come for them to change their ways. Barack Obama didn't seem complacent just because he was elected President of the United States.

A little later in the Video Obama Victory Speech he mentioned that every American will have access to health care in the same manner he expanded health care in Illinois by encouraging Democrats and Republicans to get together to get the job done. Barack Obama also vowed to end the tax breaks to companies that ship our jobs out overseas as well as putting a middle class tax cut into the pockets of hard working Americans who deserve it.

Next in the Video Obama Victory Speech Barack mentions that he will harness the ingenuity of Farmers, Scientists and Entrepreneurs to free this nation from the Tyranny of bad oil dealings once and for all. Then he goes onto say that he intends to bring our troops home from Iraq as soon as possible. He went onto say that 911 isn't something that should scare us, but unite us against the common threats of terrorism and nuclear weapons of the 21st century.

Learn about the www.hottopicreviewkings.com/news/video-obama-victory-speech-is-now-hereVideo Obama Victory Speech from Brian Garvin and Jeff West at www.hottopicreviewkings.comHot Topic Review Kings today.