
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Direct Mail Response Rates - How to Get a Higher Return

You've written the most stunning piece of direct mail EVER, and your graphic designer has created some awesome visuals to complement it. That's all there is to it, isn't it? Think again.
Aside from the words and the design, there are many other things that affect direct mail response rates, and it's important to be aware of these whenever you do a mailing.

7 tips to get you started...

  1. Timing
    When will your prospect be most receptive to your mailing? Some people suggest Monday morning, because people tend to be in the office and they're not yet weighed down by the week. But ... you're competing with lots of other mail too. Consider timing in terms of hour, day, month, season - and also the stage in your prospect's asp web hosting year. If the budget's about to run out, it's difficult to stimulate short-term demand, even with the best mailing.
  2. Mailing list
    How up-to-date (or 'clean') is your mailing list? Does it target exactly who you need? It's better not to do a mailing at all than to do one with a poor list, however prestigious the source of that list.
  3. Accuracy of targeting
    This is linked to the point about mailing lists. donate a car your prospect the right person to be targeting? Is he or she a decision maker or an influencer? Which is better? Is company size important? Is this person's position in the company the right one to aim for?
  4. Telemarketing
    Will you have any phone contact with your 'targets' before they receive your mailing? This can have a favorable impact on response.
  5. Response mechanism
    How will people physically respond? Is it clear what you actually want them to do at this point? And how will you make it easy for them?
  6. Offer/incentive
    What will you offer the reader to nudge them into responding. However much we want to buy something, we often still need a kick or incentive - we need a good reason to pick up the phone or make contact right now. What's your offer?
  7. Sales copy
    Last, but absolutely not least, you need powerful sales copy to engage and connect with your target audience. Start with the issues that affect your prospective customer, build in the key ingredients of great ad copy - and you're on track for success!

Angela Sherman is a professional copywriter and marketer who helps her clients win more business. In August 2008 she published her latest step-by-step e-guide, How To Write Powerful Ad Copy. If you want to write powerful sales copy for your business - fast - you can download the ebook here. How To Write Powerful Ad Copy.