
Monday, January 19, 2009

Racism In America Today What Do We Do To Change Plus Overcome It For Everybody

This is Mike Carvell in this article we will walk through ways that we all can put aside our racist thoughts once and all. I hope this article will help all people to understand each other for the better. We must learn to except the fact that most of us inherited prejudice we are usually taught or learn this by either our parents or our school years like I did I went to schools that where most of the students were African American or what ever race their were only seven white kids in my class most of them were called every white slang name that you can think of probably some I can not even remember.

Those were not only hard times for me and my Connecticut Lemon Laws but for all of our parents who lived in those times.We all called each other names you should not call any human being no matter what they call you or how mad they make you. It took me along time to realize this as I got older and wiser in the working world you realize that there are so many different types of people that you could call all these people names for ever and never run out of them. I have worked and live in so many different types homes jobs and people that I can no keep count any more and one surprising thing that you learn when you work along side each other you realize that no matter who you are you all bleed the same color blood.

I have at least learned many things through out my life one is no matter how hard you try to hate some one because their different then you are we all have to work just as hard to make a living. No matter how hard you work at being prejudice you learn that you have more in common then you think usually you find that everybody no matter what color religion or sexual preference people all mostly want the same things out of life as you or I would that is to make enough money to working to have success at what you are doing no matter what type of job that hold we all want to find happiness with that special some one. We all want cars homes and Mortgaging refinancing quotes to carry on you heritage.We all want to give our families every thing that we never had. Success is some thing that we all have to work for some just harder then others. But the one thing that we don`t need to give them is our hatred and our prejudices that we learned when we were growing up.

we had to put up with when we were growing up kids to day need for us to take the next step in evolution of our lives and their`s to put aside our difference`s for not only us but our children so that we once and for all stop this chain of bigotry that has went from generation to generation til nobody knows how it got started. I spent years learning that we are all basically have the same likes and dislikes. but lets not just make them for each other. We all want respect lets make for not just people that you know but for all those who are like that also you look different from you. we all have to work for a living together we must learn to except each other for all the difference that we not only have but all the different things that we can learn from each other.

No matter who you are what you look like we all have to live in this country and the world together why don`t we all make an effort to change our thoughts of not only ourselves but our children for a better world in the near future where we don`t look at how we are different but how much we really are and think a like after all are we all American`s we are from different countries all over the world all races religions be we men or women we all are basically the same the sooner that we set this problem aside we can get on to more important things that need our complete attention.

I believe the sooner that we all except each other for who we are the more we will take that final step forward we will become the country that we are named the United States of America where we are not white black latino or man or woman we will simply be American`s after all I believe that where there`s a commitment to change not just for me and you but for all the people of our great country and I pray some day that there is a world where each person is judged not by who they are or what they believe or what they look like but as we all should be different type`s of people with different likes and dislike`s different beliefs but we are all people though different we are all from the same human race.

We will always have those that don`t feel this way but if we all work and respect each other we will soon have more people committed to this change in our way of thinking. I not only believe in myself but I believe that most of us believe in this same thought . We must all work on the betterment of not only ourselves but for the betterment of our country and the future of all of our children.

I believe that we can not only accomplish this but we can accomplish so many things that the countries will once again look at us with respect but will also realize that we are only one nation and people under god with commitment and respect for each other . We will not only feel better towards each other.I believe that we all must work to once again make this not only the greatest nation but we will be one America. We need this not only for our country but to change the future for all our children so that there is one less reason for our children to kill each other over .

I will end this article by saying that I believe in us not only as a nation but that each person that reads this article will come to understand that we should all be working together for the future of this great nation.Please work with me for not only change of this problem but the many more that face us and our nation and the world today. This is just one of the many ways we can change not just the present but the future of the country and world that our children have to grow up in.

My name is Mike Carvell of the voice I hope that this will be read by all publishers and that they agree with me that we need a voice for change I believe that if we all work together we can change so many problems that face our country today. I believe that if you put your column and respect on the line that we can all make this column a voice for all people I mean all people. Tell me what you want changed and I will keep this column honest direct and to the point with the commitment you need to affect change. Once again I need your respect help and commitment to make this accomplishment possible. I not only believe in all Americans but the rights and respect of you all to make this commitment for which I will write with all honesty and respect and power that I can to prove this to you. This is my column and only my column I will do all the writing with respect to all those of you who put your trust and commitment into this column now and in the future. I will be columns as many as I can on as many subjects that I can with respect for all my future work thank you mike carvell.

Home Solar Power Generator

The home solar power generator is an excellent solution if you are looking to increase your energy efficiency and decrease your carbon footprint. The energy that is collected from the sun is abundant, cheap, and clean. A home solar power generator is the engine that makes the solar powered system in your home run. After deciding to convert either entirely or in part to solar power you will need to become familiar with the components of the system.

The most familiar part of a solar power system is the collection panels. They look Buprenorphine large mirrors and we have all seen them popping up all over the country. These are the flat surfaces which collect the energy from the suns rays. The larger panels you have the more electricity you will be able to collect. The only drawback to solar energy at this point is that the panels are costly to the point that they make solar energy no less expensive than purchasing electricity. However, the environmental benefits to using solar energy far outweigh those of using power purchased from the electric company.

The generator is where the solar energy that was collected by the solar panels is converted managed hosting service electricity. The electricity is produced as direct current so it needs to be converted into alternating current before it can be used in your residence. This conversion is typically done as the electricity leaves the generator. At this point the power is ready to be used inside your home to run your appliances. The solar power generator you have purchased is now ready to provide the power to your home, or at least parts of it.

The common misconception about solar power is that it has to be an all or nothing transition. A solar power generator can be used to power one, two, or more appliances, while you run the rest of your home on purchased electricity. By doing this you will be able to transition your home into using solar power bit by bit. This will allow you to see savings as well as to begin transitioning into a greener home. Contact a local solar power supplier when considering which solar power generator to buy so you purchase something that will meet your expectations and needs.

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