
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Gift Wrapping Tips and Trends

These days gift wrapping is still an art. There are lots of creative ideas freely available on the Internet, and a huge choice of wrapping products ranging from budget, to luxury through to eco-friendly. Anyone can make a gift look special.

Over the years of many birthdays and Christmases my Mum and I have always tried to think of new and creative ways to wrap our gifts. From this we have developed a few hard and fast rules to make a gift look fantastic.

If you are anything like me, trying to stick two edges of paper together with traditional tape normally ends up with either two fingers stuck together or one finger stuck to the present normally resulting in a bit of a tatty mess! We discovered double sided tape a few years ago and have not looked back. By using this tape it's possible to stick the two edges of paper together nice and neatly without auto insurance rate quote tape showing for a really professional finish.

Ribbon is widely used to decorate a gift, but we have found that using wired ribbon works the best for creating stunning bows. The wired ribbon allows you to sculpt the bow exactly as you want debt management professional without it going flat. There are many types of bows that can be created using this ribbon, and even roses can be formed by wrapping the ribbon round itself for a different effect.

People are becoming increasingly creative, and many use ribbon to tie additional decoration to their gifts. These can include baubles at Christmas, herbs and spices, flowers and even pasta! You can be as creative as you want.

Eco-friendly wrapping has certainly become more popular over recent years. Eco-friendly used to be associated with drab, colorless wrapping products but there is lots of choice available. Stockists of handmade papers from India can offer a wide range of eco-friendly products which include colored silk papers, papers with flower petals embedded and eco-friendly ribbon for bows. From my experience, the eco-friendly ranges are now just as popular as the traditional wrapping products.

Gift wrapping has always been traditionally associated with women, with men having (maybe an undeserved) a reputation of not really being bothered. However, this is a trend that may be changing. Our website, which sells wrapping products, has received 35% of its orders from men which is a higher figure than we were expecting when we launched the site. It seems men too now are starting to care about the presentation of their gifts!

For more tips, tricks and products on gift wrapping, go to the wrapping ideas page on rel="nofollow" funkywrappingindex.php?main_page=page&id=2Funky Wrapping.

Clare Agate

To view a wide range of wrapping products and ideas go to funkywrappingfunkywrapping

Flowers - A Reason to Smile!

I do not have any specific reason to describe why I love flowers but the fact is - I really love them. I see each of them as a blessing of God and nature to provide unconditional happiness to human beings. I have memories of all my special occasions in my life in which flowers have always been a important part of that special day. At times when my folks were not around and when they have sent me flowers as their wishes - I have felt their presence in those flowers. The unconditional happiness and joy they provide is actually priceless.

Online florists have turned out to be blessings in disguise for those who like to convey their messages, feelings to their loved ones. home refinance bad credit have always been successful in bringing sparkle in the eyes and smile on the lips. Irrespective of how much you are off mood or upset about anything, looking at flowers can evaporate those tensions and worries for a while at least. Maybe that's the reason flowers have more importance for devotees who offer their prayers to God with flowers.

Flowers bring refreshment in the air and also to the mood! Flowers are best suited for any occasions be it birthday, anniversary, sympathy, good luck, congratulations for achievement etc . For each event it has its its own importance in receiver's eyes and heart. Subconsciously our heart admires and feels happy about flowers. Someone has rightly said - Flower is another name of smile. back tax relief is indeed!
