
Monday, January 12, 2009

Reality of Realty and Markets

The two similar words of the title of above article are separated by a single alphabet, I. This I is not me is not you but this I represents thousands among us who have been affected by ongoing turmoil erictile dysfunction real estate( sub prime one) sector and god only knows for how long this would continue. But one thing is sure, the times ahead would be a hell lot different from the good times we had during the bull Connecticut Lemon Laws Of course the bull will run, but alias not at the same speed we expect it to. For every bull market is flooded by bears.

I read a column by a famous commentator; according to him one word is common in this bearish time and bullish past. The word is confidence. In bull run we had excess of it and now it has become a rare commodity( perhaps the only commodity of which there is supply crunch). Perhaps this is right also. weak US regulation is not the only exogenous reason behind the burgeoning sub prime crises. It is in fact a consequence of vast Over confidence, the confidence which was shared by millions in 70's. The market was fed by this confidence. In turn the confident feeling of people was fed by market's bull run. A kind of feed back loop was formed. A misconception was formed between people that real estate prices are headed upwards forever. This made them buy lands at exorbitant valuations in hope for a killing in future. Those who could not afford single bed room flat started buying luxury flats. US regulators thought that rising prices is a cue of growing economy and it did nothing to intervene. In fact it took pride in calling itself the friend of open markets and asked others to follow the suit. But how long could this have continued...the wall had to collapse someday...and when it did it shook others along with it and now everything is debris...

It was this confidence that lead to mortgage crises, which has engulfed the world's entire financial system in its tentacles and despite various efforts by G 8 nations the markets are not showing any sympathy towards its investors. And now no body is having the confidence to put money into market despite the fact that valuations are at all time lows in some of blue chips (globally). The greed has given way to fear. But people should understand that sage of Omaha said" buy when no one dares to buy" and I think no better time to start nibbling into select stocks. But do keep booking profits on reasonable rallies. But one should follow some restrain and should not dump entire savings into equities and other risky assets. Bear and bull runs are part of markets. Some times bull runs are extended sometimes bear runs are. But one has to give way to other. The Macro Economic Fundamentals are obviously not as bad as Markets suggest. The earnings of few top Indian companies are in line with expectations apart from the wild currency fluctuations. Crude has fallen almost 55% from their high which is good for Indian industry.

Its just this lack of confidence and direction which is affecting emerging markets so much. If capital inflows start coming back then upward spiral of Dollar would be arrested to some extent. Say Dollar settles at around 46-47 in medium term( which would take some time as I think it would touch 53-54) before coming back again. Crude should settle at around 75-80$ per barrel ( OPEC has cut supply) but supply cut I don't think would be able to match the demand cuts as was shown by US inventory data a few days ago. That would be an ideal situation for India as well Indian IT. Indian IT has proving it time and again that it has the strength to face stiff challenges( dot com burst and rupee appreciation). Even though the guidance's have been revised on downward side but still improving Economic situation could help the co's get more projects.

But the sector which would definitely feel the brunt now would be Real Estate as Economic Regulators across the world would be more aware of the implications which could result if you allow too much lenience. But still Indian real estate sector is somewhat insulated from what happened in US due to strict intervention from RBI. So its time to be confident and face the crises but one should also see the opportunity which it has given it and we should also learn from the crises. Markets do have a mind, but alas they don't think like we do...

A look at the Sensex is more than enough to justify buying into Real Estate stocks which are beaten down to death but still hold good value.Real estate always follows a cyclical pattern and touches extremes. Stocks like Uni-tech, Dlf, Gmr Infra etc are available at dirt cheap prices at current trading levels.Now,the trade pundits will tell you to keep away for reality but tell me this,"have the underlying business model and the management of these companies have become faulty all of a sudden".The answer is no,its just the global turmoil and the financial crisis that has bought the prices of these stocks down. So, if i was sitting on cash like you are:-), I would go on a rampage and pick these selected ones and build a healthy portfolio for the future.

A step-by-step journey to Opulence

How Does the Ab Coaster Work?

If you're a fan of late night TV and have been surfing the channels past 11 o'clock, you've probably seen the infomercials about the abdominal work out machine called the ab coaster.Granted, it looks a bit funny and the mechanism by which it works your abs is the opposite of a crunch, but many people find that the unique design is pretty effective, working all areas of theabdominals (including the lower) and the obliques (including love handles) in a way that mostcore exercises just don't.This article will discuss how the ab coaster works as well as its cost.

Why The Crunch Just Isn't Effective For A Total AbdominalWorkout: I would argue that the popularity of the crunch for workingyour coreis due to its convenience rather than its effectiveness. True, anyone can do a crunch, anywhere at anytime without any special equipment.That's the good news. The bad news is that it's just not that effective for isolating the muscles.Yes, it will tone in the general generic tadalifil of your abdominals, but a crunch really only optimizes the upper muscles (the rectus abdominis), while the rest of thecore muscles remain unworked.

How Can You Work Your Entire Abs (Including The Lower Part)? Reverse Crunches: donate car already shared my opinion that regular crunches only work the top part of your abs, but how can you get to the often weak and neglected lower portion (rectus abdominis)? By doing reverse crunches. This means that you do the exercises upright and keep your upper body still or hanging while lift your legs and butt toward your upper body.This isolates the muscles and provides all of the abdominals (including the lower) with aserious work out.

Why Hanging Leg Raises Are A Superior Reverse Crunch Workout (But Few People Can DoThem Correctly): There's very little argument in the body building world that hanging leg raisesare the gold standard for acompleteabdominal or coreworkout. Many superior athletes (like gymnasts) don't even bother with crunches. The hanging leg raise is to abs what a pull up is for your back muscles. To do one, you hang from a bar and then bring your knees and butt up to your chest.This is extremely hard to execute because you need a very strong upper body and grip.While many men can at least do a few, this exercise is very hard for most women. And, it's very hard to (at least initially) have the strength to do very many reps which makes getting the results you want challenging.

The Ab Coaster Works The Same Muscles As The Hanging Leg Raise Without Being As Difficult To Accomplish: The design of thismachine allows you to begin in an almost kneeling position and the rolling mechanism of the machine allows you to work your core (from the bottom up like with the hanging leg raise) without having to support your own body weight.So, even women or men who can't do hanging leg exercises canachieve thesame body mechanism using theab coaster.

In short, the design of the ab coaster makes the abdominal work out non weight bearing. The curved trackis meant to ensurethat you aren't straining your arms, lower back, or neck and that you're moving your abs and lower body in a smooth, non contorting fashion. This is supposed to work your entire core with each rep you complete. Also, the seat adjusts to allow you to get at different angles or your abdominals and obliques (waist and love handles.)

I find that this machineworks my entire torso from the lower chest down and from my hip to upper arms on my obliques. You can definitely feel the difference of a work out in your entire core (and at first I was very sore afterward - and not just only in my mid section)and you're able to do many, many more reps than if you were trying to do an actual hanging leg raise. The bottom line is if you are able to do a hanging leg raise, then you probably don't need this machine. If you can't though, the ab coaster does allow you to work your muscles in the same way without needing the upper arm strength of a body builder.

If there's one sticking point of the ab coater it's the price (usually $400 and more for the plus model). Sometimes, your gym may have one for you to use. But, if you want a home model, you can usually get one for a great deal lower than retail. To see rock bottom pricing on the ab coaster as well as demonstration videos and reviews, please ab-coaster-review.blogspot.com/click here or visit ab-coaster-review.blogspot.com/http://ab-coaster-review.blogspot.com/